Anko Universal Remote Jlr 6002 Manual & Codes List

The user manual contains all the information about the Anko universal remote control. You can see programming instructions, battery voltage information, and learning functions, including troubleshooting. Also, you can see updated codes, and the recent changes in the remote control can be found in the user manual that comes with the new remote. Several ways are available to program the remote Anko universal remote, but the user manual will say the exact programming instructions that never fail when you program the remote. When you program the remote control, refer to the user manual and note the essential information before using the remote. As well as note down the remote codes and read the programming instructions to program the Anko universal remote to any device.

Anko Universal Remote Jlr 6002 Manual PDF File

If you are on this web page, you don’t need to go through the web to find the Anko universal remote jlr 600 manual PDF. In the Manual PDF, you can get all the information about Anko universal remote, which can be downloaded on your pc or smartphone. This manual contains programming instructions, programming codes, and essential remote functions.

Anko Universal Remote Jlr 6002 Manual official

What Is The Anko Universal Remote Code For LG TV

To operate LG TV using the Anko universal remote control, you must have Anko universal remote codes for LG TV, which should be compatible with the current version of your device and model. I have published a list of codes currently working for LG TVs. Note down the codes and start programming, and for Samsung codes check this article.

0000, 0002, 0006, 0008, 0010, 0019, 0020, 0021, 0026, 0029, 0039, 0059, 0096, 0105, 0122, 0126, 0127, 0129, 0166, 0175, 0194, 0196, 0212, 0262, 0267, 0270, 0274, 0290, 0329, 0332, 0335, 0340

Anko Universal Remote Jlr-6002 Model Not Working With My Device

If the Anko universal remote Jlr-6002 model is not working with your device, you must fix everything I will explain here. When the Anko remote control is not working, you must check the external or internal errors of the remote control and the device you wish to control using the remote control.

Internal errors can be resolved if you follow all the guidelines according to the troubleshooting guidelines that the remote producer mentions. External are physical aspects, which can be fixed when your check the remote body, dish, and connected cables. Here, I will explain a few physical and internal errors that resolve your remote control issues and connect with Anko universal remote Jlr-6002 and r26211 to the targeted device.

Check the voltage of batteries:

You will need to check the battery voltage information specified for your remote control. Read the voltage information in the battery compartment, insert new batteries into the remote, and point the remote to the device signal window to control the device if the device responds to the remote that your remote problem has been resolved. If not, go for the next fix.

Program the remote using a valid code:

If your remote is not working even after you programmed it, you must program it using another valid code until the remote gets a valid code. After programming the remote control, you must check all the remote functions as expected.

Fix external errors:

After fixing internal errors in the remote, even if your remote is not working, you must physically damage your remote control. Resolve any damage and remove impurities between the buttons if you notice any damage. In addition, if possible, clean the remote buttons with alcoholic cleansers to push buttons quickly as we did for the hallmark universal remote when it’s not working.


Anko user manual tells you all the information about the remote, such as programming guidelines, battery information, functions, and remote codes. When you connect the remote control to your device, read the required information carefully. As well as fix the remote issues when your remote is not working as expected.

Author: literarybirdjournal

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